Protection of Cultural Property: Online Course for the Military, Police, and Law Enforcement

جديد! دروس مجانية للجميع. يحظر القانون الإنساني الدولي، أو قانون النزاعات المسلحة، التدمير المتعمد للممتلكات الثقافية في النزاع المسلح. قد يشكل عدم الامتثال لقواعد الحماية الدولية جريمة حرب قد تؤدي إلى محاكمة أفراد من الجنود وقادتهم. لذلك، من الأهمية بمكان أن يعرف كل شخص في هذا المجال ما يجب فعله وما لا يجب فعله عند مواجهة ممتلكات ثقافية في سياق العمليات.

تم تطوير التدريب لدعم تنفيذ القواعد التي تحكم حماية الممتلكات الثقافية، والتي تهدف إلى حماية الممتلكات الثقافية قبل وأثناء وبعد النزاع المسلح ومنع تدميرها أو نهبها أو الاتجار بها بطريقة غير مشروعة. على الرغم من أن هذا التدريب ينطبق على نطاق واسع على العمليات والأنشطة العسكرية، فقد تم إعداده مع وضع عمليات السلام التابعة للأمم المتحدة في الاعتبار. يصف بعض مواقف الحياة الواقعية من البعثات السابقة في مناطق النزاع ويتطرق إلى الموضوعات ذات الصلة، مثل الاستعداد والنوع والتعاون المدني العسكري.

تم نشر هذا التدريب بالاشتراك مع منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة (اليونسكو) ويستند إلى دليل اليونسكو العسكري لحماية الممتلكات الثقافية.

Number of pages: 70 [Arabic]

Publisher: Peace Operations Training Institute [14-06-2022]

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4.76 Stars

Reviews submitted: 55

Free Tuition for All. International humanitarian law, or the law of armed conflict, prohibits the willful destruction of cultural property in armed conflict. Not complying with the international protective rules may constitute a war crime that may result in the prosecution of individual soldiers and their commanders. Therefore, it is paramount that everyone in the field knows the do’s and don’ts when encountering cultural property in the course of operations.

The course has been developed to support the implementation of rules governing the protection of cultural property, which aim to protect cultural property before, during, and after armed conflict and prevent it from being destructed, pillaged, looted, or illicitly trafficked. Although broadly applicable to military operations and activities, the course has been made with UN peace operations in mind. It describes some real-life situations from earlier missions in conflict areas and touches on relevant topics, such as preparedness, gender, and civil-military cooperation.

This course is co-published with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and is based on the UNESCO Military Manual on Cultural Property Protection.

Number of pages: 70 [English]

Publisher: Peace Operations Training Institute [24-11-2020]

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4.76 Stars

Reviews submitted: 55

Read what other students have said about the course after completing it...

5 Stars

"Very good."

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Date Submitted: 17-04-2024

5 Stars

"I found the course to be highly enjoyable and valuable. The comprehensive coverage of the topic provided me with a well-rounded understanding of the protection of cultural property during armed conflict. The course materials were well-organized and presented in a clear and concise manner, allowing for easy comprehension. The inclusion of practical examples and case studies enhanced my understanding and facilitated the application of concepts. The interactive elements, such as quizzes and discussion forums, fostered engagement and provided opportunities for collaborative learning. The use of multimedia resources added depth and visual appeal to the materials, aiding in information retention. The instructors and facilitators were knowledgeable and responsive, providing prompt clarifications and support. Overall, the course provided me with a solid foundation and confidence in applying the knowledge gained in real-world contexts."

Submitted By:

Date Submitted: 12-02-2024

5 Stars

"'Incredible, amazing,well understood. I did it."

Submitted By:

Date Submitted: 10-02-2024

5 Stars

"Comprehensive Content: A well-structured course with comprehensive content covering various aspects of cultural property protection, including legal frameworks, best practices, and real-world applications. Relevance to Work: Learners may appreciate the direct applicability of the course content to their work in the military, police, or law enforcement. Practical insights and case studies can enhance its relevance. User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and user-friendly online platform that makes navigation easy and facilitates a smooth learning experience Incorporation of Diverse Perspectives: Recognition of the diverse cultural contexts involved in cultural property protection, providing a nuanced understanding that respects different heritage values. Practical Guidance: Providing practical guidance on how to implement cultural property protection measures in real-world scenarios, enhancing the course's utility in the field. Periodic Updates: Regular updates to course content, ensuring it stays aligned with the latest international laws, best practices, and emerging challenges in cultural property protection."

Submitted By:

Date Submitted: 31-01-2024

5 Stars

"Ready to put my experience to work"

Submitted By:

Date Submitted: 13-01-2024

*Student reviews can only be submitted by a student after completing the course. Student reviews represent the combined opinions of the English version and all translated versions of the course.