Humanitarian Relief Operations

About the Course: Each disaster or emergency is different, and so is each humanitarian relief operation. Understanding the dynamics of a disaster and all the actors involved is essential to provide adequate assistance to the affected population and government. Over the years, some have criticized the humanitarian community for the conduct of certain humanitarian actions. Practitioners have not always applied the lessons previously learned from humanitarian relief operations. Numerous documents and manuals have recorded best practices leading to a better response when applied. Unfortunately, humanitarian action is not an exact science and will depend on the ability and adaptability of the humanitarian worker to the situation on the ground. Major disasters often lead to the creation of an additional layer of rules and directives, making the situation increasingly complex for “outsiders”. This course attempts to simplify these concepts as much as possible by focusing on the most important aspects to demystify this complex environment. At the same time, this course provides much practical information on the different types of disasters and how to interact with some entities and structures often deployed in the field. The 2021 edition of the course includes definitions and principles, recent doctrine on humanitarian relief activities, and recent examples of humanitarian relief operations. Nine lessons.

About the Author: Lieutenant Colonel René Wagemans (Retired) began his career in the Belgian Army in 1977, where he served as head of the Humanitarian Crisis Response Branch (OF-4) at the General Staff. He retired in 2014 and served as a reservist until 2019 in the same staff position. In his career, Wagemans participated in several peace operations/peace enforcement missions in staff and command functions. As a representative of the Belgian Army and member of the Belgian First Aid and Support Team (B-FAST), he participated in several humanitarian relief operations, most recently after Typhoon Haiyan in 2013. He has been an UNDAC member since 2005 and deployed as a team member and team leader to several disasters. Between 2011 and 2019, Wagemans was a lecturer, facilitator, and coach for different UNOCHA courses as well as courses related to the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

Number of pages: 230 [English]

Publisher: Peace Operations Training Institute [22-03-2021]

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Online Training: $60.00 USD (PDF)

Online Training & Printed Textbook: $75.00 USD

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4.84 Stars

Reviews submitted: 93

Sobre el curso: Cada desastre o emergencia tiene sus particularidades. Lo mismo ocurre con cada operación de ayuda humanitaria. Entender la dinámica de un desastre y conocer a todos los actores involucrados es clave para brindar una asistencia adecuada al Gobierno local y a la población afectada. A lo largo de los años han surgido críticas hacia la comunidad de ayuda humanitaria debido a la manera en que se han gestionado ciertas acciones. Los profesionales del área no siempre han aplicado las lecciones aprendidas en anteriores operaciones. Las mejores prácticas que conducen a una mejor respuesta, cuando se las aplica, se encuentran registradas en numerosos documentos y manuales. Sin embargo, la acción humanitaria no es una ciencia exacta y depende de la habilidad del personal de ayuda humanitaria y de su capacidad de adaptación a la situación en terreno. Los grandes desastres a menudo conducen a la creación de nuevas normas y directrices, haciendo que la situación se vuelva cada vez más compleja para los “agentes externos”. El presente curso intenta simplificar estos conceptos lo más posible al enfatizar los aspectos más importantes con el fin de desmitificar este complejo escenario. Igualmente, brinda abundante información práctica sobre los diversos tipos de desastres y sobre cómo interactuar con entidades y estructuras que se despliegan en terreno. La edición 2021 del curso incluye definiciones y principios, la más reciente doctrina sobre actividades de ayuda humanitaria y variados ejemplos de operaciones de ayuda humanitaria. Nueve lecciones.

Sobre el autor: Teniente Coronel René Wagemans (Retirado) comenzó su carrera en el ejército belga en 1977 donde se desempeñó como jefe de la Subdivisión de Respuesta a Crisis Humanitarias (OF-4) del Estado Mayor. Se retiró en 2014 aunque continuó como reservista hasta el año 2019 en igual cargo. A lo largo de su carrera, Wagemans participó en diversas misiones de imposición de la paz y de mantenimiento de la paz en puestos de mando y como parte del personal asignado. En calidad de representante del ejército belga y miembro del Equipo de Apoyo y Primeros Auxilios Belga (B-FAST), participó en diversas operaciones de ayuda humanitaria, la más reciente tras el paso del tifón Haiyan en 2013. Es miembro del Equipo de Reserva de las Naciones Unidas para la Evaluación y Coordinación en Casos de Desastre (UNDAC) desde 2005 y se ha desplegado como integrante y líder de diversos equipos con ocasión de una serie de desastres. Entre 2011 y 2019, Wagemans se desempeñó como profesor, facilitador e instructor de distintos cursos de la Oficina de Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA), así como de cursos sobre el Mecanismo de Protección Civil de la Unión Europea.

Publisher: Peace Operations Training Institute [29-08-2023]

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Formats Available

Online Training: $60.00 USD (PDF)

Online Training & Printed Textbook: $75.00 USD

(**Shipping costs not included.)

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4.84 Stars

Reviews submitted: 93

À propos du cours : Chaque catastrophe ou urgence est différente, et chaque opération de secours humanitaire l’est également. Comprendre la dynamique d’une catastrophe et tous les intervenants impliqués est essentiel pour fournir une assistance adéquate à la population et au gouvernement touchés. Au fil des années, certains ont critiqué la communauté humanitaire pour la conduite de certaines actions humanitaires. Les praticiens n’ont pas toujours appliqué les enseignements tirés des opérations de secours humanitaire. De nombreux documents et manuels ont répertorié les meilleures pratiques permettant une meilleure réponse lorsqu’elles sont appliquées. Malheureusement, l’action humanitaire n’est pas une science exacte : elle dépend de la capacité et de l’adaptabilité du travailleur humanitaire à la situation sur le terrain. Les catastrophes majeures entraînent souvent la création d’une couche supplémentaire de règles et de directives, rendant la situation de plus en plus complexe pour les « étrangers ». Ce cours tente de simplifier au maximum ces concepts en se focalisant sur les aspects les plus importants en vue de démystifier cet environnement complexe. Dans le même temps, ce cours fournit de nombreuses informations pratiques sur les différents types de catastrophes et sur la manière d’interagir avec certaines entités et structures souvent déployées sur le terrain. L’édition 2021 du cours comprend des définitions et des principes, la doctrine récente sur les activités de secours humanitaire et des exemples récents d’opérations de secours humanitaire. Neuf leçons.

Auteur du cours : Le lieutenant-colonel René Wagemans (retraité) a débuté sa carrière dans les forces armées belges en 1977, où il a occupé la fonction de chef de la branche de réponse aux crises humanitaires (OF-4) auprès de l’état-major. Il a pris sa retraite en 2014 et a servi en tant que réserviste jusqu’en 2019 au sein du même poste. Au cours de sa carrière, René Wagemans a participé à plusieurs missions de maintien et d’imposition de la paix en occupant des fonctions d’état-major et de commandement. En tant que représentant des les forces armées belges et membre de l’équipe B-FAST (Belgian First Aid and Support Team), il a participé à de multiples opérations de secours humanitaire, la dernière en date étant celle menée après le typhon Haiyan en 2013. Il est membre de l’Équipe des Nations Unies pour l'évaluation et la coordination en cas de catastrophe depuis 2005 et a été déployé en tant que membre et chef d’équipe dans le cadre d’un certain nombre d’interventions faisant suite à des catastrophes. Entre 2011 et 2019, René Wagemans a été conférencier, animateur et formateur pour différents cours proposés par le Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires ainsi que pour des programmes de formation relatifs au Mécanisme de protection civile de l’Union européenne.

Number of pages: 254 [French]

Publisher: Peace Operations Training Institute [01-05-2023]

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Formats Available

Online Training: $60.00 USD (PDF)

Online Training & Printed Textbook: $75.00 USD

(**Shipping costs not included.)

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4.84 Stars

Reviews submitted: 93

Sobre o curso: Cada desastre ou emergência é diferente, assim como cada operação de ajuda humanitária. Compreender a dinâmica de um desastre e todos os atores nele envolvidos é essencial para prestar assistência adequada à população e ao governo do local afetado. Ao longo dos anos, a comunidade humanitária recebeu algumas críticas pela condução de certas ações. Os profissionais nem sempre aplicaram as lições aprendidas anteriormente nas operações de ajuda humanitária. Diversos documentos e manuais mostram que as melhores práticas levam a uma melhor resposta quando aplicadas. Infelizmente, a ação humanitária não é uma ciência exata e dependerá da capacidade e adaptabilidade do agente humanitário à situação no terreno. Grandes desastres muitas vezes levam à criação de uma camada adicional de regras e diretrizes, tornando a situação cada vez mais complexa para quem está “de fora”. Este curso tenta simplificar ao máximo esses conceitos, focando nos seus aspectos mais importantes para desmistificar esse ambiente complexo. Ao mesmo tempo, fornece muitas informações práticas sobre os diferentes tipos de desastres e sobre como interagir com algumas entidades e estruturas frequentemente implantadas em campo. A atual edição do curso traz ainda definições e princípios, a doutrina corrente sobre atividades de ajuda humanitária e exemplos recentes de operações de operações humanitárias. Nove lições.

Autor do curso: O tenente-coronel René Wagemans (aposentado) começou sua carreira no Exército belga em 1977, onde serviu como chefe do Setor de Resposta a Crises Humanitárias (OF-4) do Estado-Maior. Aposentou-se em 2014 e atuou como reservista no mesmo cargo até 2019. Em sua carreira, Wagemans participou de várias missões de manutenção/imposição da paz em funções de Estado- Maior e Comando. Como representante do Exército e membro da equipa belga de suporte e primeiros socorros, participou de várias operações de ajuda humanitária, sendo a mais recente a ocorrida após o tufão Haiyan em 2013. É membro do UNDAC desde 2005, tendo atuado como membro e líder de equipe em vários desastres. Entre 2011 e 2019, Wagemans foi palestrante, facilitador e coach de vários cursos do UN-OCHA, bem como de cursos relacionados ao Mecanismo Europeu de Proteção Civil.

Number of pages: 237 [Portuguese]

Publisher: Peace Operations Training Institute [30-06-2022]

Search inside this course (PDF)

Formats Available

Online Training: $60.00 USD (PDF)

Online Training & Printed Textbook: $75.00 USD

(**Shipping costs not included.)

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4.84 Stars

Reviews submitted: 93

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Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image
Humanitarian Relief Operations course image

Read what other students have said about the course after completing it...

4 Stars

"The course has really helped dig deeper into peace operations and get to learn more about Humanitarian work. I am really happy to be a student at POTI."

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Date Submitted: 21-03-2024

5 Stars

"This course has helped me appreciate the significance of humanitarian actions as a peace worker."

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Date Submitted: 28-02-2024

5 Stars


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Date Submitted: 17-02-2024

5 Stars

"Le cours est très bien détaillé facilitant du coup la compréhension."

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Date Submitted: 01-02-2024

5 Stars

"As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, so I don't have likes or dislikes. However, I can provide insights into what aspects individuals might appreciate in a Humanitarian Relief Operations course based on common feedback: Practical Application: Participants often appreciate courses that offer practical, hands-on experiences like simulations, case studies, or real-world scenarios that closely mimic the challenges faced in the field. Expertise and Insights: Courses that bring in knowledgeable guest speakers, practitioners, or instructors with extensive field experience are highly appreciated for the insights they share. Interactivity: Courses that encourage active participation, discussions, group work, and engagement tend to be more engaging and well-received. Diversity and Inclusivity: Programs that emphasize diversity, inclusion, cultural sensitivity, and address gender issues effectively tend to receive positive feedback. Flexibility: Courses with flexible learning formats or schedules, allowing participants to balance learning with their professional commitments, tend to be well-liked. Feedback and Improvement: Programs that value participant feedback and continuously improve based on input tend to create a positive learning environment. These are general aspects that individuals often appreciate in humanitarian relief courses, as they contribute to a more enriching and beneficial learning experience."

Submitted By:

Date Submitted: 10-01-2024

*Student reviews can only be submitted by a student after completing the course. Student reviews represent the combined opinions of the English version and all translated versions of the course.