Chapter 7 – Managing United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

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UN Peacekeeping Operations are complicated and undertake challenging missions in environments, which are often volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Therefore, arrangements and lines of authority must be established to guide, direct, lead, manage, and control them. Integrated Missions involve civilian, military, and police components, each with their own institutional culture and lines of authority. There must be structures in place to lead, coordinate, and control these various resources in pursuit of the common goal. Chapter 7 focuses on these leadership and managerial issues, introduces the mission leadership team, as well as identifying the various integrating components and mechanisms within a peacekeeping mission. Finally, the responsibilities of the various actors, including the UN Secretariat, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, the Under-Secretary-General for Field Support, and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, the SRSG, will be outlined.

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